  1. Reminder Services Disclaimer Notice
    1. The services provided by Baby Kavach service are restricted only to providing reminder alerts. In no event will Baby Kavach be liable for any incidental, indirect, consequential or exceptional event or death arising due to administering of the vaccination. To know more about vaccinations and safety procedures please consult a paediatrician.
    2. The responsibility of providing correct contact information at the time of signing up for the person who sends the registration request.
    3. By using the service described on this website, you agree to the exclusions and limitations of liability stated above and accept them as reasonable. Do not use this service if you do not agree that they are reasonable.
    4. If any of the points in this disclaimer notice are found to be unenforceable under applicable law that will have no bearing on the enforceability of the rest of the disclaimer notice.
  2. Website Disclaimer
    While every effort is made to ensure that the content of this website is accurate, the website is provided “as is” and Baby Kavach makes no representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information found on it. Some of the information from this site has been compiled from other websites, books, institutions etc. While the content of this site is provided in good faith, we do not warrant that the information will be kept up to date, be true and not misleading, or that this site will always (or ever) be available for use.
    2. We do not warrant that the servers that make this website available will be error, virus or bug free and you accept that it is your responsibility to make adequate provision for protection against such threats.
    3. Nothing on this website shoold be taken to constitute professional advice or a formal recommendation and we exclude all representations and warranties relating to the content and use of this site.
  3. User Representations
    By using our services, you represent that you are of sufficient legal age to do so, and you possess the legal right and ability to create binding obligations for any liability incurred while using our services and the responsibility of providing correct contact information at the time of signing up for the person who sends the registration request.